
30 days without sugar?!

How I lost 2.5 kg in a month

Lotte Boonstra
Sat, 29 Jul 2023 00:00:00 GMT
candy with lots of sugar

Embarking on a 30-day journey without refined sugar was both challenging and eye-opening. I focused on eliminating refined sugar while enjoying healthier alternatives found in fruits and whole grains. Although social events posed temptations, I stayed committed and reaped the rewarding benefits of increased energy and better control over cravings. During the challenge I lost 2.5 kg.

If you're up for the challenge, I've got some helpful tips to share for achieving your own sugar-free journey. Remember, it's about progress, not perfection!


Goodbye vegetarianism, hello veganism

To up the challenge I decided to completely eat plant based. Now I already ate vegan 90% of the time, but I occasionally made an exception for mozzarella and if I ate out or was invited for dinner at friends and family. This challenge was the kick-start of my plant based life and I have been enjoying it ever since. 

Now, going vegan doesn’t automatically make you healthy, but plant based products are commonly less calorie dense, meaning you can eat more volume for the same amount of calories. Meat and dairy are for example calorie dense products. 

If you are looking for some high protein plant based recipes to pair with your work-out, try my amazing chili sin carne or this comforting "Is that vegan?!" rigatoni bolognese. 

If you want to read more on my journey to veganism or tips on going vegan check out this article.

Cut out the sugar

In the introduction, I clarified that my aim was to cut out refined sugar and sweets, but not all sugars. I replaced sweets with healthier alternatives and focused on consuming water and tea (and no alcohol). I also made mindful carb choices, opting for whole wheat products over regular ones. While the switch was different, it introduced me to new flavors and dishes that I now enjoy even more. If you're curious about delicious recipes using whole wheat ingredients, be sure to check out this blog!

You can have anything as long as it’s healthy

My mantra became "You can have it if it's healthy." Eating healthily doesn't have to be sad or boring; it's just a matter of embracing new ingredients. Once you master that, you'll find yourself enjoying guilt-free meals, because why feel guilty about something that's good for you?

Don't be too hard on yourself; that's when cravings can overwhelm you. Instead, focus on the joy of eating well and feeling good. Healthy snacks can be delightful, and you can discover some in the next chapter: How to Deal with Cravings.

How to deal with cravings

Cravings don't always have to be negative; they can signal your body's need for specific nutrients. Take a moment to identify what your body might be lacking. At times, cravings can be driven by habit or desires, especially if you're accustomed to consuming sugary or sweet foods at certain times. Transitioning away from such foods can be challenging, but with these tips, you'll navigate through it. Remember, giving in to cravings isn't always a bad thing; it's about finding healthy options that still satisfy your desires.

Craving sweets? 

Embrace the goodness of fruits! While plain fruit might not appeal to everyone, there are fun and healthy ways to prepare sweet snacks with them. Try out these three delicious fruit yogurt recipes for a delightful twist.

And if you're craving chocolate, opt for a small piece of dark chocolate. Unlike regular milk chocolate, dark chocolate contains only 10% sugar and is rich in antioxidants. Plus, it's more satisfying, making it easier to enjoy in moderation. Treat yourself to a piece of 80% cacao chocolate after dinner with your tea occasionally for a delightful indulgence.

Craving savory?

Indulge in a variety of savory vegan snacks! Try rice cakes topped with homemade hummus, truffle tapenade, and plant-based pepper salami, providing just 66 kcal per serving. Alternatively, savor a delightful vegan snack platter featuring a well-balanced selection of healthy treats.

For an effortless yet delicious option, opt for nuts such as peanuts, cashews, walnuts, or pecans. A handful of raw, unsalted nuts can be a satisfying and nutritious addition to your daily routine, perhaps sprinkling them on your breakfast bowl. Enjoying a few salted nuts occasionally is acceptable, but remember to drink plenty of water and avoid excessive salt intake for optimal health.

Don’t want to give into your cravings at all? 

Avoiding tempting situations can be a great strategy. Personally, I used to snack a lot while watching movies, but I've significantly reduced my TV time. Instead, consider going for a walk, cleaning your bathroom, or even baking something healthy, like this delicious banana bread. For me, the process of baking often curbs my appetite, but if it has the opposite effect on you, you may want to explore other distraction techniques. Find what works best for you!

Let’s exercise!

Exercise. It's such a personal thing, isn't it? You've got the gym enthusiasts, the team sports fanatics, and then there are people like me, who may seem a bit lazy. Well, not lazy in the sense that I don't want to work out, but I prefer it to be effortless. I mean, who wants to spend 20 minutes traveling to the gym, then work out for another 40 minutes, just to travel back for 20 more minutes? That's over 1.5 hours invested in a workout, and while that might be perfect for some, it's not always feasible for me. So, here are my golden tips on incorporating exercise into your daily routine in a simple and accessible way!

15 min yoga

Allow me to introduce you to my morning routine – 15 minutes of yoga to kickstart my day. Waking up just 15 minutes earlier than usual doesn't sound like a daunting challenge, does it?

This morning practice does wonders for both my muscles and my mind. It leaves me feeling balanced, motivated, and clear-headed throughout the day. And the best part? It's a completely free and effective workout!

I love tuning in to yoga sessions on YouTube, and my go-to channel is "Yoga with Kassandra." I've listed some of my favorite workouts below:

Of course, finding a practitioner you connect with is essential. And if yoga isn't your cup of tea, you'll find plenty of 10-minute HIIT workouts on YouTube. But if you haven't given yoga a try, this is your sign to go for it! You never know what positive changes it might bring to your life. So, roll out that mat and embrace the goodness!Let’s take a walk

You know that moment in the afternoon at work? That moment around lunch you feel like you ate a brick and dozed off. That is the perfect moment to take a 30 minute walk. Of course it depends on you and your workplace what window hits the sweet spot. Maybe 20 minutes or maybe 40 minutes. 

Either way I highly recommend stretching the legs in the afternoon. It reduces stress and prolongs life expectancy! Who doesn’t want that?

Stairs stairs stairs baby

Have you ever noticed how buildings, especially older ones, seem to lead people towards the elevators? It's as if taking the stairs is less appealing and the elevator is the default choice. While I understand it for skyscrapers with dozens of floors, the buildings in my area aren't that tall. During my perfect month, I decided to break the norm and only use the stairs. Sure, it was tough at first, especially that first high climb, but it eventually became ingrained in my mind that it wasn't so bad. Plus, taking the stairs every day significantly improved my stamina, making it much easier as time went on.

Now, you might be wondering how much of a difference taking the stairs can really make for your fitness level. Well, let me tell you about the number of stairs I climbed daily. I live on the 8th floor of an apartment building, and for work, I need to climb an additional 4 floors, and 6 floors if I have to go to university. That's a grand total of 18 levels every day, minimum.

I set a strict rule for myself: take the stairs everywhere, and at home, at least once a day. At first, it was quite the challenge, but eventually, it turned into something enjoyable. Trust me, incorporating this simple change into your daily routine can make a surprising difference, not to mention the sense of accomplishment you'll feel as you conquer those stairs!


30 Days Without Sugar - Achieving a Healthier Lifestyle

During my 30-day challenge without refined sugar, I faced both challenges and rewards. Resisting cravings in social situations was tough, but I stayed committed to my goal. Embracing a plant-based diet provided delicious alternatives to calorie-dense foods. Incorporating 15 minutes of morning yoga and taking the stairs helped improve my fitness level.

The results were positive - I lost 2.5 kg, improved my VO2 max significantly, and felt more energized. Despite occasional setbacks, I maintained discipline and learned to enjoy a healthier lifestyle. This journey is just the beginning, and I'm excited for more challenges and growth ahead. Remember, you can achieve your goals too!

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