Are vegan and vegetarian the same?

Lotte Boonstra
Thu, 15 Feb 2024 00:00:00 GMT

I often create content about items that people mistakenly believe are vegetarian but actually aren’t. This often sparks discussions in the comment section. So, let’s delve into the differences between vegan and vegetarian diets and explore the various types of vegetarian diets.

In recent years, the popularity of vegan and vegetarian diets has surged, with more people opting for plant-based lifestyles for various reasons, including health, environmental concerns, and ethical beliefs. While both veganism and vegetarianism involve abstaining from meat, fish, and poultry, there are significant differences between the two, as well as various types of vegetarian diets to consider. Let's delve into these distinctions and explore the diverse landscape of vegetarianism.

Understanding Veganism and Vegetarianism

Veganism is a dietary and lifestyle choice that excludes all animal products, including meat, fish, dairy, eggs, honey, and any other ingredients derived from animals. In addition to dietary preferences, vegans typically avoid using animal-derived products in other aspects of life, such as clothing, cosmetics, and household items.

On the other hand, vegetarianism is a broader term that encompasses several dietary variations, all of which exclude meat and fish. However, the inclusion of other animal products varies depending on the type of vegetarian diet.

Types of Vegetarian Diets


This is the most common type of vegetarian diet, which excludes meat, fish, and poultry but allows the consumption of dairy products (lacto) and eggs (ovo). Lacto-ovo-vegetarians enjoy a wide variety of plant-based foods along with dairy and eggs, making it relatively easy to maintain a balanced diet.


Similar to lacto-ovo-vegetarianism, lacto-vegetarians exclude meat, fish, and eggs but still consume dairy products. This diet is popular in cultures where dairy plays a significant culinary role and provides additional sources of protein and calcium.


Ovo-vegetarians exclude meat, fish, and dairy but include eggs in their diet. Eggs are a valuable source of protein and nutrients for ovo-vegetarians, offering versatility in meal preparation while adhering to a plant-based lifestyle.


While not strictly vegetarian, pescatarians abstain from meat and poultry but include fish and seafood in their diet. This dietary choice offers a compromise between vegetarianism and omnivorous diets, providing sources of lean protein and essential fatty acids from fish while obtaining from red meat consumption.

Flexitarian or Semi-Vegetarian

This approach involves primarily plant-based eating with occasional consumption of meat, fish, or poultry. Flexitarians prioritize plant foods but may include animal products in moderation, making it a flexible and adaptable dietary choice for individuals seeking a balance between vegetarianism and omnivorous diets.

Navigating the Vegan-Vegetarian Spectrum

While veganism and vegetarianism share the common goal of reducing animal product consumption, each dietary approach offers unique benefits and challenges. Vegans prioritize ethical considerations and environmental sustainability, striving to eliminate all forms of animal exploitation from their lifestyles. On the other hand, vegetarians have the flexibility to choose from a range of dietary options that align with their preferences and nutritional needs while still promoting plant-based eating.


Whether you're considering transitioning to a plant-based diet or simply curious about the differences between vegan and vegetarian lifestyles, understanding the various types of vegetarian diets is essential. From strict veganism to flexible flexitarianism, there's a spectrum of dietary choices to explore, each offering its own set of benefits and considerations. By exploring these options and finding what works best for you, you can embark on a journey toward a healthier, more sustainable, and compassionate way of eating.

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