Eating out

Authentic Italian vegan food in Italy

Lotte Boonstra
Tue, 22 Aug 2023 00:00:00 GMT

Dear Italy

You've been my lifelong muse, inspiring my culinary journey. From my earliest visits, your food culture captivated me. Yet, our paths diverged a bit when I embraced a vegan lifestyle. Suddenly, many of my cherished Italian dishes were off the table.

Sure, you can scout out vegan eateries, but they don't quite capture that genuine Italian essence. That's why my quest for authentic Italian vegan cuisine led me to Bologna, and let me tell you, the experience exceeded expectations. Here's a rundown of the top Italian restaurants in Bologna that offer vegan options.

Trattoria del Tempo Buono | Restaurant

Here, I relished Romagnoli with zucchini flower pesto and Panelle with pea cream, spring onions, and bran pepper.

Romagnoli, a unique pasta variety rarely seen in the Netherlands, delighted me. The pesto burst with fresh, indulgent flavors, while roasted, salted almonds added a satisfying crunch – a clever cheese alternative. I often use cashews back home.

Panelle, crisp chickpea dough, harmonized with layers of lush green pea cream. This inventive dish was my culinary highlight of the trip – an absolute delight!

Hands down, this was my top restaurant of the vacation, even beating out those beyond Bologna. Remarkably budget-friendly too – both dishes only cost €13.00 each!

Fior di Sale | Restaurant

I began with a Pantesca salad boasting boiled potatoes, cherry tomatoes, red onion, capers, and olives. For my main, the beetroot Tartare with fresh cream, fruits, crispy veggies, and mustard vinegar.

The Pantesca salad showcased the magic of simple ingredients combined in perfect harmony – a quintessential Italian marvel.

As for the beetroot Tartare, it was a revelation of unexpected elements. Cantaloupe and beet cubes paired with a hint of mustard might sound unconventional, but trust me, it's a taste sensation.

Roxy bar | Coffee

Here, I savored a soy milk latte macchiato. Italian coffee is in a league of its own. Before this trip, I leaned more toward tea, but Italian coffee has likely converted me. Even a roadside café in the middle of nowhere outperforms Dutch counterparts. It's safe to say that practically any coffee spot in Italy brews exceptional coffee. This one, conveniently across from my apartment, became a personal favorite.

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