
Finding your Ikigai: The Japanese Secret to a Long and Happy Life

Lotte Boonstra
Wed, 25 Oct 2023 00:00:00 GMT

In search of a soul-soothing read? "Ikigai: The Japanese Secret to a Long and Happy Life" by Héctor García and Francesc Miralles could be the perfect fit. This book dives deep into the Japanese philosophy of ikigai, a term that has resonated with many globally.

Originating from Japan, ikigai is not just about the joy in always being occupied; it's a profound understanding of life's purpose. García and Miralles beautifully unravel this concept, offering readers an insightful exploration. Here are the 10 essential takeaways from their work:

Core of Ikigai
Ikigai lies at the intersection of four pivotal elements: passion, vocation, mission, and profession. It's the essence of daily purpose.

When Passion Aligns with Profession
It's a rare blessing when one's passion becomes their profession, akin to striking gold in life's lottery.

Experiencing Flow
Delve into activities that wholly engross you. In this state of 'flow', time becomes irrelevant, and pure joy emerges.

The Essence of Activity & Longevity
Gentle, consistent activities, such as strolls or gardening, can be the secrets to longevity, surpassing intense workouts.

Living in Harmony

A life synchronized with nature's rhythm, where we take only what's essential, enriches our years with vitality.

The Significance of Community:

Building and nurturing relationships offers emotional sustenance and a feeling of belonging.

Cherishing Simplicity:

A simple lifestyle, from dietary choices to possessions, can lead to mental clarity and inner peace.

Resilience Matters:

The fortitude to withstand challenges and rebound with vigor is characteristic of those enjoying extended, joyful lives.

Embracing the Present:

Cultivating mindfulness and being wholly present in each activity enhances the richness of daily experiences.

The Joy of Continuous Learning:

Embarking on new learning journeys, be it a craft, language, or hobby, keeps the mind agile and life purposeful.

García and Miralles emphasize that a long, contented life isn't necessarily about monumental accomplishments but about daily endeavors that infuse life with meaning. By recognizing and living our ikigai, we set forth on a path of contentment, purpose, and joy.

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