
My interview with Meatless Movement

Lotte Boonstra
Thu, 01 Feb 2024 00:00:00 GMT
Meatless movement logo

The meatless movement has a mission to encourage people worldwide to learn more about and, hopefully, make the switch to a vegetarian/vegan lifestyle. I had the pleasure of participating in an interview. Here's how it went!

Tell us more about yourself. Where are you from?

My name is Lotte, and I live in the Netherlands. I own a business called Lentil & Lime, dedicated to content creation within the plant-based food sector. On my social media, I share fun and educational videos about food and recipes, while my website features delicious recipes and engaging blogs. My goal is to foster a conscious and sustainable community that positively impacts the environment through delightful and nutritious plant-based cooking. If you're ever seeking inspiration for delicious and healthy plant-based recipes, check out my website ( or my social media pages (TikTok/Instagram: lentil_lime)! Tip: You can download my cookbook filled with fan favorites for free on my website!

Tell us what makes you turn vegetarian or vegan. How long have you been one? 

I embraced a vegetarian diet from the age of 6 until I turned 22. At 22, I committed to a fully vegan lifestyle. The initial shift was prompted by the realization of where meat came from and a desire to make a lasting change. The transition to veganism followed as I became aware of the exploitation within the dairy and egg industry, aligning with my commitment to animal welfare and environmental sustainability.

The meat and dairy industry significantly harm the environment through greenhouse gas emissions, water consumption, and deforestation. Livestock farming contributes to global warming, demanding extensive resources and negatively impacting biodiversity. It is crucial to address these issues for a sustainable future.

What are some challenges faced in finding vegan/vegetarian food? or eating out with friends, etc. How do you overcome these?

While my friends and family are supportive and accommodating during home dinners, eating out can pose challenges due to limited vegan options at some restaurants. However, I prioritize the experience and camaraderie over the menu, especially in larger groups, to avoid inconveniencing others.

How do you feel about being a vegan/vegetarian?

Being vegan feels entirely normal to me. After years of a plant-based lifestyle, I've found balance in my diet and feel like the best version of myself.

How would you tell someone who’s not yet vegan/vegetarian to try meatless food?

When encouraging others to try meatless food, I emphasize its delicious and nutritious nature rather than its meatlessness. Good food stands on its own, regardless of its meat content.

What are some misconceptions about a vegan or vegetarian? How do you explain or educate?

A common misconception is that a vegan diet may lack certain nutrients. However, with mindful food choices and diversity in the diet, one can obtain all necessary nutrients. Supplements, such as B12, are recommended for those adopting a vegan lifestyle.

Recommend some good places or food? can be home-cooked or eating places. Why are these your favourites? (with photos and captions of the dish names)

I listed a few of my favorite recipes with links to the instructions on my website!

To someone who’s just beginning to go meatless, what is your advice?

For those transitioning to a meatless diet, start with a few recipes that resonate with you. Experiment with one vegan meal a day and gradually increase, discovering plant-based foods you enjoy and ensuring a balanced nutritional intake.

Any closing remarks?

There's often a disconnect between the products in supermarkets and the impact of the meat and dairy industry. Instead of criticizing, my approach with Lentil & Lime is to inspire and educate people in a fun way. By making plant-based choices, we can enjoy delicious, nutritious meals while positively impacting our health and the environment. Let's embrace this journey together!

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